Road Hazard

Saya lihat pertama kali sih DISINI , saya coba konfirmasi lagi dimana sumber aslinya tapi ybs lupa *cubit bro adet si empunya blog*.. dari Kepolisian Inggris soal Road Safety katanya ..Great material, baca deh 🙂

Where’s the Risk in that..?


You are about to be shown a picture of a real-life road scene.

Test your hazard awareness skills by studying the picture and making a
note of how many hazards you can spot.

(Remember, as a motorcyclist, you will need to identify each of these hazards as fast as possible
when out and about on real roads).

Ok, let’s get started…

Count how many risks you can spot in this next road scene…

Scene 1

Count how many hazards you can spot in this road scene…

Once you have identified and counted as many as you can, continue scene..


Reveal Dangers or Hide Dangers

Scroll down to see the Hazards in that:

1. This section of the road has been repaired in the past, but now large cracks and holes are appearing. Watch out for loose debris here too.

2. No pavement for pedestrians on this side of the road. There is a pavement on the other side but judging by those tracks in the grass, this is obviously a regular short-cut.

3. Look at that debris. If you’re turning left into this junction, be very careful here – That stuff looks very slippery!

4. The junction itself. Keep an eye for vehicles emerging – If there is, has the driver seen YOU.

5. Is that a man-hole cover? Avoid them where possible, especially in the wet and on bends.

6. What’s that car doing? It looks like the back of the car too. That driver won’t be able to see anything if he reverses out now!

7. That looks like a driveway, or perhaps a bridleway. Just keep an eye out here. Something may emerge without warning.

Scene 2

Count how many hazards you can spot in this road scene…
Once you have identified and counted as many as you can, .

Reveal Dangers or Hide Dangers
1. No pavement for pedestrians on either side of the road. With houses also visible in this scene, it’s possible that pedestrians may need to walk along the road.

2. It looks like the hedge has recently been cut along this stretch leaving debris, which has become damp.
Although using advanced riding techniques, you wouldn’t even be riding in this position on the road for this particular bend, it is still worth remembering that this stuff is very SLIPPERY!

3. This section of the road has had some pipe relaying work of some description carried out here. Although not visible in the picture at this point on the road, watch out for the dreaded tar over-banding.

4. That’s probably a man-hole cover, judging by the direction of the road repairs. Avoid them wherever possible, especially in the wet and here on bends such as this.

5. The turning for the house. Keep an eye out for vehicles/bicycles/children/pedestrians/anything emerging – If there is, have they seen YOU.

6. The bend itself. Get into the correct position on the road to tackle the direction of the bend in good time. Give yourself as much of a view around it as possible – because the more you can see, the sooner you can deal with any hazards.

7. Somewhere along there is going to be another driveway for that house. Be prepared, whilst going around that bend – Anything emerging from the driveway will not have a very good view around, and will take time to accelerate away.

8. Do you think you could deal with all of the above hazards at 60mph+..? Do you think you could come knee-sliding around this bend..?
Hazard ‘8′ is the reason you couldn’t. Click continue to find out what the eighth hazard is – The one you may have missed…

Scene 3


Did YOU spot them..?!

We hope you have enjoyed testing your hazard awareness.
How well did you do..?

An important point to remember:
If you were actually riding down these road scenes, you would have just a few seconds to identify, sort, and adapt your riding to take these hazards into consideration.

Taking an advanced riding course, like the one we provide, will ensure doing this becomes
second nature to you..

and report your accident report.. download the form here


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